The universe is alive. The Earth is alive. We are a part of a large living being. If we let go of the concept of physical body, we are mind, conscious- or we can call it a soul. Our conscious can travel between microcosm and macrocosm - the cells are an aggregate of the particles. We - living beings are an aggregate of conscious energy, evolving every single day, every single moment, together.
We - human beings often forget we are all living beings in this universe till something happens to us. Something that we can not calculate - such a natural disasters. We may able to analysis about it, but we are so rely on our rapidly developed technology and civilizations- we forget the essential truth; we are all alive.
We are co-exist in this planet, not dominant or invade the earth. If we look back our human history, and history of the earth, we realize how short history we have. And in that short history, there are so many creations and destructions. one civilization to another civilization. wars and wars. And we still do the same now. We repeat. Why? Are we eaten by own intelligence or ability? Are we driven by own egos and desires? We don't know how to communicate each other? Why do we destroy own beings?
Some attract to have longer life and try to live long as much as possible. Some people have naturally a longer life. (I have heard people live in Okinawa, Japan, Sicily, Italy, and Hawaii tend to have longer life than others based on the survey) Some people do not care about living... Most of us do not register "life and death" till we actually deal with someone or own. When we get sick, or injure, we think more about "life". We are not machine. Our organs are alive. Our cells are alive. We can not use our body like a computer or cellphone, or TV game. There is no refresh key. Just like we are alive others are alive as well. We received a life, how we use our life is up to us. And I hope we- as all living beings can treat each other's lives precious, and embrace them together.