We can not see "smell". We can not touch " smell". We "smell" something. Sometimes smell brings us feelings. When I smell miso soup, it makes me feel comforable and safe. When I was 20 years old I was in Tokyo away from my family. I went to a Japanese restarurant where I ordered "Oyako - Don (omelet-chiken over rice)" I smelled the soy sauce and fish broth from the meal. And my eyes teared up unexpectably, my chest felt squished. And I realized how much I missed my family. my mother's meal. home. Certain smells relate to certain memories, and sometimes effect feelings. And if it effects feelings, that effects the mind as well. It situmilates nerves and hormones that bring you to a different state of mind. Study of Aroma Therapy is uisng those ideas to heal people. For example, the smell of Rose or lavender helps people to relax and heal from damage your heart recieved. Smell is powerful either for your creativety or your health condition. Smell relates to your mind, memory and feelings. Each performer has thier own instrument, and a part of our training is knowing what we have in ourselves, and learning how we can use the raw material in our work. That is a tool.
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RGS Blog: KaYuGen